Getting Through This Crazy Time

We have certainly been going through ALL the emotions around our house. Everything from enjoying the time to sleep in, take more breaks, be outside more, to crying the BIG cries. Missing our friends and teachers, me missing my friends, my alone time, and the extra pressure I feel to make sure my kids are feeling successful at this new “homeschool”. I feel like my emotions are back to my teenager years where one day I am super happy to the next sad and unmotivated. Anyone else?

As I am currently writing this, I am watching both of my girls from the window playing outside with their friends. They have a blanket spread out, playing dolls, soaking in the sun. Something that would not happen during a typical week for us. Using their imagination and free play time has been something I have craved for them for a long time. Their friendship towards each other has grown more in the past couple of months than I thought was possible for them at this age. These are just a few things that I soak in as I still try and figure out what day it is.

As we come closer to the end of school I am starting to rethink what summer is going to look for us. We are having deeper conversations about what education may look for us in the future. Weighing out our pros and cons for what is best for our kids. We are looking at more activities as they begin to reopen. If this crazy time has done anything for me, it has forced me to stop and listen to my kids and husband more. I have always loved a good schedule and routine. Maybe a little too much. We have been forced into this state of being more present with each other. As hard as the adjustment was at the beginning, I would not take some of these moments back and have found myself more grateful than upset.

The future is filled with unknowns, even more so right now, and as this time has opened up even more questions for our family, it has given us even more unanswered questions. So I go back to what I know. I rely on the things that bring me happiness, the simple things. Meditating each morning, moving my body, getting sunshine, drinking my water, eating healthy foods that nourish my body, essential oils, and more playing in the dirt. For me, it has been the outdoor projects, being in the dirt, and getting lots of sun that has brought the most clarity of what I want our future to have. I hope you all are finding some clarity during all this. We may never experience another reset button such as this in our lifetime.

This time has brought physical and mental health to the frontline. We have also discovered that we can no longer wait for someone to bring us the solution and solve the problem for us. Instead, we must go and do our own research. If you are looking for a natural way to support your mental and physical health, check out the oils tab above. I have recorded a short video on the top 10 oils. If this something you would like to learn more about, contact me and we can start that journey together.

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Our favorite spot to hang is on FB, but you can catch us on insta as well. And if the social media stuff just isn’t your thing, thats ok. We also like to drop in on your inbox every so often. Either way, we just love staying connected.