Immune Support

How to keep our immune system strong

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Protecting Ourselves

The Smart Way

As our society begins to reopen and we start to figure out what the “new norm” will be, there are still a lot of unknowns. Watching my girls wear masks out feels so strange to me. I think we are going to look back on this time and understand even more the importance of face expressions and connection as we hide our mouths. I enjoy smiling at others and the fact that my smile is hidden as I walk past someone at the store feels uncomfortable.

Everyone seems to have an opinion about how to come out of this. What is our country going to look like as we reopen? What will be the new standards? I see a lot of companies investing in more hand sanitizers, and more cleaning materials. New systems of cleaning, spacing each other out, and even making masks a requirement.

As you see these changes, have you tapped in to your feelings about all this? What emotions arise in you? There are days where I feel fear creeping in and then I have days where I feel empowered to take control of the areas I can control. One of the areas I feel most confident in, is learning about my own health and how I can keep my body and mind strong through all of this. So without further adieu, here are our immune support protocols we are taking. As always, please do your own research. I do not claim to be a doctor, and what works for me and my family may be different for yours.


1. D3-K2

Adding Vitamin K will help you digest and absorb your vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of my vital fat solubles that helps support calcium, phosphorus, and proper immune function!

We take 2 drops under the tongue in the morning

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2. Vitamin C Lypo-Spheric

More concentrated and absorbs to your bloodstream to help your body absorb more of the vitamin.

We take 2 packets twice a day.

To learn more about the importance of Vitamin D and Vitamin C, click here and listen to this fantastic podcast with Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda Patrick.


3. Lifelong Vitality Vitamins

Get all the nutrients, minerals, omegas, and cell support you need in one box. Talk about a whole body support system in just 3 bottles!

We take 2 of each bottle twice a day.

Check out my blog post about my daily vitamin schedule.

You can also watch this short video

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4. Liquid Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll can help support gut health, blood detoxification, be an energy booster, and immune supporter.

We drink 2 large glasses with 1 TBSP in each glass. Add fresh lemon for extra delicious flavor.


5. Sleep

Our immune system rebuilds every night. Without a good deep sleep. Sleep is one of the most critical things you can do for your health.

A drop of serenity oil on wrist + neck and 1-2 capsules about 30 min before bed.


6. Exercise

Whatever this looks like for you…Running, cycling, walking, dancing, HIIT. The most important thing is to work to a sweat. This helps the body detox and get rid of toxins. Why do we need to do this? So that our immune system and other systems don’t get overloaded and can do their job. You don’t need fancy gym equipment or even a gym membership to do this. Simply put on some shoes, and get outside.

I like to mix up my workouts, but I typically do some form of power workout for about 20 min every day.

Currently I have been on Betty Rocker kick. You can find her programs here.

Are you a yoga fan? I heart the Boho Beautiful workouts and you can find her here. She has many free videos.


7. Sunshine

Did you know that the air inside our house is more toxic than the air outside? It’s time to get outside and grab some rays. Unless you plan to be outside for a very long time, be cautious of over blocking the rays with sunblocks and sunscreens. Our bodies need to absorb the vitamin D. On top of that, most sunscreens and sunblocks carry ingredients that can do more harm long term. So let’s get outside, take some really deep breaths, walk barefoot for some grounding benefits, and feel the warm sun.

We try and get out as often as we can. We love to stroll around the yard and look at our garden and plants. We also love to take short evening walks with the kids after dinner. Great for our digestive system, and soak up that evening time.


8. Meditation

This has been a newer practice for me and has been such a great new habit. Stress decreases the immune system. We all have it and that is ok, but we need to make sure we give our brain some time to reset and relax. There are a lot of different ways to meditate. This doesn’t have to be some intense session where you sit in silence for an hour. Start small, listen to some soft music that encourages the brain to relax, and sit for just a few minutes. Or listen to a guided meditation to help you concentrate on a certain area of change that you would like to see.

I am not perfect at doing this, but I find that a about a 20-30 minute guided meditaiton for me works really well.

Check out Cindy and I’s meditation video here

I found Operah and Deepak’s guided meditation to be a wonderful practice for me. You can find them here.

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9. Essential Oils

We use them EVERY SINGLE DAY! These particular products that you see specifically target different areas of your immune system. When you combine these together as a daily protocol, you give your entire system the support it needs to stay strong. I am a HUGE believer in taking out as many toxins and synthetics as I can and replacing with pure products that come from our beautiful planet. Our bodies are really strong, and when we overload it with toxins, our bodies begin to weaken.

An essential oil protocol will look differently for everyone. But to start, a few drops of oils on the bottoms of your feet morning and night is a great way to start. Using the on guard sanitizer mist regularly, and taking the On Guard + and PB Assist + (pre + probiotic that reaches way down into your gut unlike most probiotics) is a great way to start.

For additional support reach out to me and I would be happy to help customize a protocol specific for you and get you started on your oil journey.


10. Intuition

This is the VERY best way to figure out how to support your body in what it needs. Learning how to tune out the fear and listen to your concious, takes practice, but you can do it. It is ONLY you, who knows what is best. And it is ONLY you who can support your body in what it needs.

Listen to Cindy talk about how to tune in to your inner guidance here.

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