Diffuser Blends


Diffuser Blends

Search for a diffuser blend by using the search bar above with a specific oil you want to use.

Your sense of smell is a very powerful sensory. It can evoke memory and affect our emotions. It can help us shift our mood and our perception of something because it communicates with our limbic brain system. This is why it is very important to be aware of what you are breathing in. Breathing in toxic fragrances (cleaners, perfumes, candles, just to name a few), effects our brain. Soon enough our body will become in toxic overload and start talking to you. Headaches, respiratory issues such as asthma, skin issues, coughing, sneezing, hair loss, hormone imbalance, are all just a few ways your body is talking.

Diffusing pure essential oils is a way to start eliminating these toxins around your home and in your car. Candles and sprays are some of the major contributors. Not only will pure essential oils replace a lot of toxins around your home, but this can also support your mood, your health, and so much more.

I will continue to add to this post and update with new diffuser blends that I find.